By submitting a deposit to Blue Gorilla Media you are agreeing to the following terms of service:


Payment is accepted in US Dollars ($) via a mailed check or online payment. We accept Paypal as an online payment.

A deposit of 50% of the quoted price is due prior to the start of any project. The remaining balance of any project is due after the design is approved and prior to the transfer of files to your server.


Since Blue Gorilla Media provides digital products and online services there are no refunds given at any time which you are responsible for understanding upon providing a deposit and any other payments.

Timeline and Revision Requests

Your project will begin once the initial deposit is paid.

You are entitled to two rounds of revisions* upon viewing the first design sample. Revisions must be within the scope of the project and must stay within the parameters described in the Website Proposal.

*once the first sample website design layout is complete you will receive a link to view it. You are able to request an unlimited amount of revisions to the first sample design/layout. This will act as your first round of revisions.Once the first round of revisions are implemented you will receive a second link to review the changes at which time you will have the ability to submit a second round of revisions. In rare circumstances, there may be a few tweaks needed after the second round of revisions are completed in which case we will accommodate you to ensure that your requirements are met. However, if there are major changes that you would like done that were not mentioned in the first or second round then there will be an additional cost which will be outlined to you before implementing it on the website

The information you provide in the emails before beginning the website will be used to create the initial design for the website. We will also usually send you a “Getting Started” before beginning. It is important to be very detailed when filling out the form or describing what you expect in order to ensure a timely and efficient process for both parties. The initial design will be available to view approximately 1-3 weeks from the start of your project depending on the project requirements.

All quoted timelines are estimates and are not guaranteed.

Website Details and Additions

Website features and details will be outlined in the initial Website Proposal. If an item is not included in the Website Proposal then it will not be included on the website. You understand that if a feature or item is not included in the Website Proposal then requesting this feature or item will be an additional cost which will be clearly explained to you before implementing it into the website. If you agree to the price then it will be included as an addition to the final balance.

Website and File Back-ups

We take every necessary measure to prevent issues however there is a very small possibility that your entire site or files could be lost.  It is your responsibility to have a back-up of your website files or database once we transfer these files to your server/hosting company. Blue Gorilla Media is not liable if your entire site is lost or if you delete files that pertain to the website. Once the final deposit is received you take full responsibility of the website and all of its files, components and backups. If you should need any technical assistance after the completion of the website and the final payment is made you understand that you will be charged an additional cost which will be clearly explained to you prior to beginning any work.


You agree that most communication will be done by email. Phone support will be available if needed. Once your start date begins, you must be available via email in order to complete the project in a timely manner. It is likely only a few emails will be needed to complete the project. If your response is delayed, your project will also be delayed. If you know you will be unable to answer your email then please provide this information prior to the start of the project date.

If you do not respond or contact within (8) weeks of the last email sent then you will be removed from the schedule and will forfeit your deposit payment. You will not be entitled to any deliverables or refund.

Browser Compatibility

Your website will be compatible with the latest version of all major browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Chrome. Older browser versions are not guaranteed.

File, Content, Images, Documents, Videos Ownership

It is your responsibility to ensure you have the right to use any and all files, content, images, documents, videos and any other items you provide to Blue Gorilla Media. You must make sure that you have full ownership of any content in any format before sending it to us. Blue Gorilla Media is not liable or responsible for any files, content, image, document, videos or other items provided for any project.

Blue Gorilla Media does not provide stock pictures or videos. It is the customers responsibility to send all pictures and videos (including purchased stock pictures and videos) for the website.

Web Hosting and Space

You understand that you will need a separate agreement with a web hosting company to host your website. The hosting plan you choose will determine the bandwidth, space, and concurrent connections available for your website. We will provide you with information and recommendations to decide on which hosting plan will work for you but it is ultimately your responsibility to uphold, follow and understand your service agreement with the web hosting company.  If your website is on a database or uses a database you understand that there are certain size restrictions. Blue Gorilla Media is not liable or responsible for hosting your website or spacing restrictions associated with the hosting plan you choose. We are also not responsible for any server downtime, software issues or any other compatibility issue that may arise after the launch of the site.


You are required to provide access to any ftp, hosting, domain, and/or WordPress account information along with usernames and passwords for the sole purpose of installing, configuring, developing and testing the website. In certain instances, usernames and passwords for other accounts may need to be provided in order to access special features on your website. It is strongly recommended to change your password once your website has been completed.

Remaining Balances on Payments

When all the agreed upon work on your project is completed, we will send you a way to make the payment on the remaining balance of your project. If you do not make a payment within 2 weeks we will charge your previous form of payment for any remaining balances.


It is strongly recommended to change all your passwords once any password has been shared with us, after the work is complete. This includes: domain registrar, hosting, email and wordpress logins.

Data Breaches

Blue Gorilla Media takes security of client websites and provided accounts very seriously, and will make every effort to ensure these accounts remain secure. However, Blue Gorilla Media shall not be held liable for any data breaches of the website, domain registrar, email, hosting accounts, and any login information provided to Blue Gorilla Media by the client.

Lost Profits

Blue Gorilla Media shall not be held liable for any lost profits from client or client business at any time, for any reason.


Blue Gorilla Media is not responsible for server downtime, software issues or any other compatibility issue that may arise after the launch of the site. Our website packages do not include future WordPress Content Management System (CMS) update compatibility issues for your site. It will be your responsibility to manage the website once it is completed. If you are interested in a monthly maintenance package where we will manage your website and update it then let us know.

Usage of Web Materials

Blue Gorilla Media is allowed to use any created work or related items for our own promotional materials. Any created work may appear on our Portfolio page, Facebook page, or any advertisements in print or online.

Website Design Credit

Blue Gorilla Media is allowed to add a Website Design credit to the bottom of your website. This credit will say “Website Design by Blue Gorilla Media” with a link to our website.

Off-hours or Emergency Work

Any work requested outside of regular working hours will be billed at 1.5x the current hourly rate.

Terms are subject to change at any time.

[contact-form-7 id=”14342″ title=”Terms & Conditions Agreement” /]